Body Types Explained: Ectomorph, Endomorph, Mesomorph

by Claire Huffman
Last Updated: 28/06/2020

Imagine this scenario: you and two of your friends want to lose weight and tone up your lower body parts. You enrol in the same gym class, share the same diet tips, and feel ready to start.

However, after a while, you notice that the three of you are slowly achieving different results – you can’t gain muscle mass, your chubby friend can’t lose weight while the third has toned the abs like never before. Now, how is that possible, you may wonder!?

The answer lies in the three basic classifications of the human body according to body type and constitution- ectomorph, or the one who can hardly gain weight and muscles, endomorph, or the body type that “attracts” body fat and excess calories and lastly, the muscle, luckiest mesomorph.

In order to avoid any labyrinths toward personal fitness goals, it is important to learn what is your body type and what are its pros and cons in terms of diet, weight maintenance, and exercise regimens.



Ectomorphs are best described as fit. Individuals with this body type are characterized by long and lean body parts and rapid metabolic functions. Their shoulders and hips are narrow as well as their ankles and wrists.

Ectomorphs can eat great amounts of food without risking to gain weight but they also hardly gain muscle mass even when through regular workouts.


Ectomorphs should focus on strength training and weightlifting in order to stimulate and increase their muscle mass. Cardio workouts should be scarcely present on their workout schedule in order to maintain the muscle mass.

According to fitness trainers, ectomorphs should stick to short but more frequent intensive training that would focus on their target muscle areas.


The diet of ectomorphs should be carb focused up to 50 % of this macronutrient, accompanied by 30% of protein and 20% of fat.

When it comes to weight and nutrition, the main rule for ectomorphs is to sit back and eat. Though this means that no calorie counting is needed, it is recommended to avoid junk and processed food since it is deprived of any nutritional value.

If you are an ectomorph, consider healthy food options that will satisfy the daily requirements of nutrients.



Endomorphs are the complete opposite of ectomorphs. These individuals are usually people with a rather sedentary lifestyle who are constantly fighting a battle against excess body weight.

However, not all endomorphs are “couch-potatoes” and though many of them are diligent gym practitioners, they find it hard to sculpt and tone their bodies as they want. On the other hand, they can easily lose weight when sticking to several basic principles.


The endomorph easily gains muscle mass and, nonetheless, fat which is the crucial obstacle toward their fitness goal.

Their sports regimen should include long total-body exercises with a minimum of 10 repetitions of movements and short breaks in between.

Cardio and aerobic exercises, such as swimming, walking, running, and cycling must be included at least 2 times per week.

The main goal of this rhythm is to boost the metabolism which is the weakest point of this body type.


Eat less but more often – that is the golden diet rule for endomorphs. This body type should stay away from carbs or minimize them.

The main focus of their diet should be on healthy fat and protein. Also, fibre foods should be consumed as they contribute to a more active metabolism.

If you struggle to get enough protein, you can use quality protein powder to supplement your diet.

Endomorph’s main focus should be the consumption of their nutrients- 30% carbs, 15 % fat, and 55 % protein.



The third and luckiest of all body types is the mesomorph. These individuals are characterized by toned muscles and an ability to enhance their muscle mass without strong efforts.

They easily gain but also lose weight. Therefore, experts recommend mesomorphs to stick to a regular exercise routine and mind an optimal protein and fibre intake through their diet.


Mesomorphs may gain muscles rapidly but also lose fat and this makes them a superior body type. This body type is naturally sporty and usually, mesomorph individuals are great sports lovers who achieve their results in no time.

The mesomorphic bodies adapt and recover fast after intense pieces of training, therefore, it is important to rotate the types of exercises and set new challenges.

The best training for mesomorphs includes a combination of cardio exercises using a spin bike or rowing machine and strength pieces of training.


The nutrition rule for this body type is 30% proteins, 40% carbs, and 30% fat. This will improve muscle gain but also maintain body weight and prevent any excess.

The mesomorphs have high insulin tolerance and this enhances their muscle without piling up more body fat and weight [1].

The Bottom Line

The three main body types and their basic features have a strictly theoretical framework that may help you define your personal body type and thus what’s most convenient for you regarding fitness routines and practices.

However, in reality, most often you will encounter several combinations of these three types of bodies. Reportedly, the combinations mesomorph-endomorph and ectomorph-mesomorph are the most common ones.

For example, a person may be fit and toned, at times even skinny, in the upper body but acquire fat and extra weight in the lower body parts. If you can’t conclude your body type, consider your nutrition and how your body reacts and reflects.

If you change the diet and see immediate results, you’re a mesomorph. If you always eat less then the rest but still have to lose weight, there is a high possibility that you’re an endomorph. Lastly, if you think that pasta or ice-cream after midnight is not a big deal, then you’re probably an ectomorph.

Finally, don’t forget that hard work beats talent. Fitness goals and results are achievable only through hard work, dedication and diligence. Find out what works best for you and see how your body is changing with each passing day.

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